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Serials department page


The Serials Department is located on the 4th Floor of the Robert M. Bird library.

  • The Serials Department is responsible for ongoing publications (serials) such as journals and magazines as well as electronic books. 
  • Serials provide an important link between the latest books and the most current research. 
  • Journals (bound and unbound) do not circulate and are shelved on the 4th floor. 
  • Recommendations for purchase are welcome, click here for the request form.  Priority for purchase of journals is given to materials that the library is required to buy under the guidelines of the U.S. Copyright Law.

LIB-490 (take a left off the elevators)      405-271-2285, opt.7 or x48757 


Electronic journals - Most titles are available electronically, but may not be available electronically for all years

  • Use the library’s online catalog to search for words in the title.
  • Use the A-Z Journals link to browse or search for specific Journal titles. 

Physical journals may be the only format available for a particular year of a title.

  • Journals are shelved in alphabetical order by title on the 4th floor.  The A’s start in the northeast corner (right off the elevator) and circle almost the entire floor. 

Recreational reading materials and newspapers can be found in a small lounge area to the left of the elevators. 

Indexes are housed on the west end 4th floor (turn left off the elevator). 

For help locating a specific journal and/or issue stop by Room 490, email or call either the Serials Department (405-271-2285 ext 48757) or the Reference (405-271-2285 ext 48752).


The Robert M. Bird Health Sciences Library accepts gifts of monographs, serials, non-print media  and artifacts in order to add new titles, replace lost or worn materials, or fill in gaps in the collection. 

  • The library may add, sell, or dispose of gifts that do not add to the collection or are no longer needed.  Please fill out the gift form and attach a list of items you would like to donate
  • Upon request the library can provide an acknowledgement letter of received donation for tax purposes.  However, the IRS does not permit the library to evaluate the value of gifts for tax purposes. 
  • For questions concerning gifts or to arrange on-campus pickup of donations contact the library at 405-271-2285 and select Administration (opt.5) from the menu.

Use the Donation form below.