The Serials Department is located on the 4th Floor of the Robert M. Bird library.
LIB-490 (take a left off the elevators) 405-271-2285, opt.7 or x48757
Electronic journals - Most titles are available electronically, but may not be available electronically for all years
Physical journals may be the only format available for a particular year of a title.
Recreational reading materials and newspapers can be found in a small lounge area to the left of the elevators.
Indexes are housed on the west end 4th floor (turn left off the elevator).
For help locating a specific journal and/or issue stop by Room 490, email or call either the Serials Department (405-271-2285 ext 48757) or the Reference (405-271-2285 ext 48752).
The Robert M. Bird Health Sciences Library accepts gifts of monographs, serials, non-print media and artifacts in order to add new titles, replace lost or worn materials, or fill in gaps in the collection.
Use the Donation form below.