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Relax & Read

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Join the HSC leisure book club, Relax and Read

Relax and Read is sponsored by the Robert M. Bird Society Endowment

The Relax and Read book club was introduced on the Health Sciences campus in March 2016 as an opportunity for students, staff, and faculty to discuss books that are for leisure reading.

Want to suggest a book just fill out our: Book Suggestion Form

Book Club Discussion 

Join us for a book discussion each semester in person or via Zoom.

For more details email: or phone: 271-2285 ext. 48725 for clarification.

Please note: For our reserved events, non-response to a calendar invitation or email about an event will be considered as a declination to attend.

Not on the Health Sciences campus?

Norman- Read and Lead

Program Details and Policies

 How to Participate:

  1. Sign up via email at: 
    • As a member you will be eligible to receive one of the 60 available books we offer each semester and you will also be eligible to attend the book discussion luncheons we host each semester.
    • You will be officially added to the Relax and Read Microsoft Teams group.
    • Offical communications for book club will be sent via email however updates regarding availability of books, prizes, location changes and food selections will all be communicated via Microsoft Teams
    • To be equitable to the entire campus community we reserve the option to limit the number of books distributed to a single department.
    • You will be notified when copies of the book are ready for pickup. You must have a valid OUHSC ID to pickup your reserved copy of the book at the Bird Library 3rd Floor Service Desk from 9am- 5pm.
    •  Reserved copies of the book can also be sent through interoffice mail if requested.
    • Members who respond to survey after all books are claimed or seats at a luncheon have been reserved can be added to our waiting list upon request. Member on the waiting list will be contacted only if a book or seat at the luncheon becomes available.
    • We will only hold book reservations for two weeks from the date we begin distributing books. Failure to claim your reserved copy in this timeframe will result in that copy being redistributed to another member on the waiting list.

Spring 2025

First Lie Wins

Ashley Elston

Book Cover for Novel First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston

The identity comes first: Evie Porter. Once she’s given a name and location by her mysterious boss Mr. Smith, she learns everything there is to know about the town and the people in it. Then the mark: Ryan Sumner. The last piece of the puzzle is the job.

Evie isn’t privy to Mr. Smith’s real identity, but she knows this job will be different. Ryan has gotten under her skin, and she’s starting to envision a different sort of life for herself. But Evie can’t make any mistakes—especially after what happened last time.

Because the one thing she’s worked her entire life to keep clean, the one identity she could always go back to—her real identity—just walked right into this town. Evie Porter must stay one step ahead of her past while making sure there’s still a future in front of her. The stakes couldn't be higher—but then, Evie has always liked a challenge...

Summary from Goodreads