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University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Academy of Teaching Scholars (ATS) - Education Week 2022 - Poster Presentations
Corbett A, Cerqueira O, Yarnall R, Blasdel J, Test J, Imani S, Carradini J, Beckstrom C, Abraham D, Rodriguez K, Jelley M, Guillory C, Wilson G
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Academy of Teaching Scholars (ATS) - Education Week 2022 - Poster Presentations
Live Presentation Schedule (10/27/22)
Formative Feedback
Khan A, Riaz K, Yanovitch T
Koenigsknecht B, Milman B
Leiva T, Sami A, Patterson A, Cross A *
Ogunsanya M, Bennett K, Medina M, Planas L
Reasnor T, Rusin W, Miller F, Moon M
Snyder K, Rasmussen L, Landmann A
Trimble E, Harville L, Scott R, Lees J *
Educational Research
Corbett A, Cerqueira O, Yarnall R, Blasdel J, Test J, Imani S, Carradini J, Beckstrom C, Abraham D, Rodriguez K, Jelley M, Guillory C, Wilson G
Garringer E
Le M *
Kelly D, Loper A, Lesselroth B, Liew A, Palmer R, Kollaja L, Monkman H, Ijams S, Rodriguez K, Homco J, Wickham A, Laurent J, Wen F
Naifeh M, Hart R, Stevenson M, Abramson E, Li S *
Moon M, Varalli-Claypool B, Oamen E, Anderson J, Darden A, Miller F
Salem G, Rumman A, Younger H, Anundson E, Tierney W, Akbar Ali, I
Sharieff J, Bugg V, Ding K, Barret Z, Patel A, Choi P, Yanovitch T *
Simpson Z, Forst K, Ostermeyer B
Sivaram C, Edwards C, Harland C, Schirtz-Carroll L *
Sivaram C, Page M, Edwards C, Green D
Thorisch K, Kleszynski K, Jennings L *
Corbett A, et al_Abstract
Poster PDF
Educational Research
Garringer E >>