Choose the Appropriate Database(s) for your Topic
There isn't a single resource that will contain all of the content relevant to your question. When making decisions about the resource(s) you need to search, keep the following points in mind:
- The best starting point for your research is probably the resource that provides the most comprehensive coverage of the subjects and/or disciplines addressed by your question. For our search on acupuncture and neck pain, beginning the search process in databases like MEDLINE and CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Allied Health Literature) would be very useful.
- Consider the kinds of materials you would find useful in your research. A search in the MEDLINE database will yield references to articles published in scholarly journals for the most part. CINAHL, on the other hand, includes not only journal literature but also book chapters, dissertations, videos, and other kinds of content.
A number of options for navigating the Bird Library's collection of electronic resources are available on the Library's home page. If you need assistance selecting a resource or developing your search topic please consult a librarian.