Select Controlled Vocabulary Terms and/or Keywords
Most databases provide the option to use controlled vocabulary terms and keywords in a search. Often you will need to incorporate both controlled vocabulary and keywords to locate the best information to answer a particular question. Read further to discover a little more about each of these search options.
Controlled vocabulary terms, also known as subject headings, are designed to collect all words (synonyms, alternative spellings, etc.) related to a particular concept under a single term.
Referring back to our search question introduced in Step 1 we can identify the following MeSH terms that would be useful starting points:
Keyword searching is also referred to as natural language searching.
It is important to recognize that the way you incorporate controlled vocabulary and keywords into your search varies depending on the interface (e.g. Ovid, EBSCO, PubMed, etc.) and the database (e.g. MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, etc.) that you are searching.