To search for an electronic book, follow these steps:
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Step 1: Enter the book title in Journals & Ebooks A-Z
Step 2: Select the title from the search results
Step 3: Look in the View It section for a hyperlink to the electronic edition
- Journals & Ebooks A-Z can be found on the library's home page under Find a Journal, Book, or Collection
To search for a print book, follow these steps:
Step 1: Enter your book title or other information in the Catalog search box
Step 2: In the Material Type field select Books from the drop-down list
Step 3: Click Search, then select the title from the results list
- If access to an electronic edition is available there will be a hyperlink under View It
- If the library has the title in print, the call number and shelving location will be listed under Get It
- Catalog can be found on the library's home page under Find a Journal, Book, or Collection
- In the left drop-down menu on the search line, choose the search type based on what you know about the book (title, author, subject, or ISBN) or keep the default setting of Any field to search across multiple fields
- Our print book collection is shelved on the library's 3rd floor and you may check books out at the 3rd floor service desk
- Learn more about our circulation policies
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