Use these search tips to find theses or dissertations written by OUHSC graduates
To search by author:
To search by topic or area:
To find all OUHSC theses/dissertations:
Print copies of OUHSC theses and dissertations are shelved on the 3rd floor of the Bird Library with call numbers beginning W 4A, then organized alphabetically by author and finally by publication year
Use these search tips to find theses or dissertations written by graduates from any institution
Dissertations & Theses (ProQuest)
OUHSC faculty, students, and staff can access Dissertations & Theses (ProQuest) from both on and off campus through the Bird Library's Databases and Resources A-Z List or the link below.
Databases with a Limit Option to Dissertation and/or Thesis
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center)